
We have a wide range of clubs available for learners to join.  Some are linked to a key stage but the majority of these are for all learners. 

Being part of a club demonstrates learners’ commitment to other activities outside of their studies which can be used to their advantage when it comes to applying to universities or employment. For example, memorable moments from your time at the club can make great discussion points in your interview.
We also believe that some learners and staff have not had the opportunity to explore and develop their interests during the past few years whilst the Covid-19 pandemic has placed many restrictions on what we used to take for granted in everyday life. These clubs will provide a broad and balanced range of activities that will both be fun and engaging whilst also providing a wider set of knowledge and skills that will benefit us all.

Clubs are optional and we would encourage all learners to take up these exciting opportunities. 

Click here to read through all of the great clubs on offer