Course Level: A Level

Exam Board: AQA

Specification link: Click to View

Entry requirements: GCSEs - Maths 5+, English 6, Science 7

Course Description

Psychology A-level covers 3 papers (1,2,3):

Paper1 (7182/1): Introductory Topics in Psychology
Paper 2 (7182/2): Psychology in context
Paper 3 (7182/3): Issues & Options

The study of human behaviour has been around for thousands of years, whether we think of Socrates, Hitler or Steve Jobs. Psychology is the study of the relationship between the brain & our behaviours. You may ask why Hitler did what he did, how Steve Jobs managed to bring Apple to its current reputation or why Socrates was always asking questions that were difficult answer.

The component subject areas of A level Psychology will give learners the breadth & depth of explanations that exist to understand human behaviour in various contexts through scientific methods. As Psychology is a science, it brings with it the need to investigate human through scientific methods (yes, you will need to remember your GCSE Science here), using Maths & Statistics to draw inferences from studies in order to extrapolate thought processes & actions. Your skill in academic writing will need to come to surface here as you will be writing at a high academic standard, but in an objective form, essays are not escapable. The Psychology A level two-year course is a fast paced, content-rich, challenging but exciting framework which will have you skills-ready for work or university as it will equip you with tools of critical thinking & debate, discovery, reflection & time management as you will be expected to organise yourselves well to cope with the demands of the course.

Assessment information:

Learners will be assessed formally consistently in addition to the College-wide assessments that take place in order to be exam ready for the end of the two year course. Assessments will include timed essays, presentations, mini projects that are student led. In order to achieve progress, learners will be met with high expectations of the course in terms of organisation, deadlines, progress trackers and consistent feedback  with reflections on how to improve. It is expected that learners will be studying Psychology outside of lesson time in terms of reading ahead of the lessons, revising after the lessons and keeping a record of their work available for inspections and will be exposed to exam structure & questions within the first week of A level Psychology.

Course Profile

Career Pathways

 A level Psychology can be useful for a variety of degrees or jobs.

Job Opportunities

Health/Sciences/Medicine: Understanding the biological processes of pathology and how this affects behaviour with treatments including therapy & medication, for example, memory & depression.

Education/Childcare/Youth services/Activities: Concepts of development, attachment and the wider context of influences (media, peers, groups).

Media/Graphic Design/Communications:  Effects of media on eating for example, violence and aggression, advertising, marketing, PR, gaming, animation – by studying cognition, experimental design, language.

Public policy/International relations/Law/Anthropology/Sociology/Politics: Historical events such as the Suffragettes, Hitler’s rule unfold understanding of authority, power, gender, social change.

Product Design/Design Technology/Art: Localisation of brain functions, cognition & development, designing studies.