Moving from stall to stall, our year nine group learnt all about a range of trades that shape the world around us, some of which they had never heard of before!

LDE UTC welcomed Apprenticeship and Skills minister Alex Burghart, Chairman of Baker Dearing Trust Lord Baker and CEO of Baker Dearing Trust Simon Connell to celebrate and display the impact of employer led projects throughout the college.

With the help of Patron Capital employees and Young Enterprise, our year nines learned what it takes to build their dream lifestyle!

In an inspiring knowledge filled masterclass, Shi-Hsia Hwa offered learners a comprehensive account of the life and vocational journey of a biologist as well as teaching all about communicable diseases from an informed perspective.

Readers of this article are invited to join me, during a severe tidal storm in 2030, at the royal docks. If there are enough of us, we might construct a new ark from Andre Kong’s disassembled cautionary bench...

Our BTEC level three Construction and Built Environment Apprentices were invited to University of East London to design and test different concrete mixes. The session was delivered by Chris, UEL’s lab technician.

Year 12 learners make the most of the amazing opportunities at the UCAS Discovery UK tour