Zack visited our year 12 psychology learners to offer feedback on exciting presentations following a group research project on explaining and managing Phobias.
Zack is a Machine Learning Engineer and Developer Advocate for Google. Earlier on in the year, Zack visited our psychology learners to give a masterclass the power of AI by showcasing Google teachable machines and discussing the ways they could incorporate this powerful technology into their research, explanation and managing methods.
Explanation: Explain how the behaviourist approach illustrates the acquiring of phobias. Apply understanding to a key study by discussing its implications. Treatment: Outline the behavioural approach to treating phobias Discuss the value of systematic desensitization and flooding approaches in phobia treatments. " |
In these presentations, learners explored a range of different phobias. These Phobias included:
arachnophobia – extreme or irrational fear of spiders
trypophobia – extreme or irrational fear of clusters of small holes or bumps
chromophobia – an intense fear of colours
nyctophobia – extreme fear of the dark
They used a range of research methods to collect qualitative and quantitative data such as surveying participants by showing them different photos of Phobias and measuring their level of discomfort. Learners used Google teachable machines in a range of interesting different ways to enhance their research such as:
- making a nyctophobia detection system for media sanitation
- judging the reactions of participants when faced with a potential phobia
- learning and detecting to what extent a participant’s phobia goes to through and depending on severity, what best way to treat the phobia by asking a series of closed questions that require a yes or no response.
With these findings, learners created websites and apps to form methods for managing Phobias. One example of managing a Phobia was to incorporate systematic desensitization, where those suffering with a specific phobia clicked on a picture at their own pace to be gradually less frightened by it. When discussing the idea behind their method for managing Phobias, one of the groups shared: ‘The concept is that the gravity of their phobia isn’t as huge as they believe it to be, therefore the goal is to relieve them from that weight.’
Google’s Teachable Machine is a web-based tool that makes creating machine learning models fast, easy, and accessible to everyone. The machine enables you to teach a model to classify images, audio and poses and using files, voice recordings or your webcam. |
After delivering their presentations, learners benefitted from feedback and questioning from Zack. He discussed their projects and proposed Phobia management solutions in depth, as well as offering valuable advice about ways to improve their presentation skills.
Through use of current industry level technology, this ELP reinvents the way learners are able to engage with key topics on the A-level curriculum such as phobia, desensitization and flooding. Learners ejoyed an extended projected, over a period of four months, where they learned how to create a model using Machine Learning. Thanks to Zack for facilitating such an exciting project and well done to our learners for such impressive presentations!