College Dress Code

The London Design and Engineering UTC will require learners to adopt a dress code that matches what is expected in the work place. This means a smart and professional appearance at all times.

Learners are required to wear:

  • A college issued lanyard and ID Card
  • A business suit consisting of trousers, skirt or dress and/or a jacket or blazer.
  • A plain long or short sleeved shirt that has a collar (not a polo shirt)
  • A plain V-necked jumper with no branding.
  • Some learners may wish to wear a plain long dress (Jubab) with a plain headscarf
  • Suitable formal robust shoes
  • One LDE UTC branded shirt (for special occasions/visits - not to be worn whilst in college).
  • A smart waterproof coat or jacket with no branding (outdoors only).

We do not encourage learners to wear ties due to the nature of the equipment they will be working with. For the same reason, long hair must be safely tied back.

Learners will be provided with laboratory style coats for work in the laboratories and workshops.

Sports lessons will take place at the University of East London, SportsDock. Whilst, there is no specific sports kit for this, we ask our learners to respect the other users and wear sports kit appropriate to the sport that they are undertaking.

The following items are non-negotiables and should not be worn whilst in College:

  • No coats, jackets, caps or hats (to be worn in the building).
  • No hoodies, snoods, bandanas or sweatshirts.
  • No trainers, plimsolls or canvas shoes.
  • No polo shirts (outside of sports lessons)

Wearing the above items in College, learners risk them being confiscation on entry into the College at the start of day. Therefore, please ensure that these items are removed prior to entering into the College.