Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at London Design and Engineering UTC

We would like to introduce ourselves as London Design and Engineering UTC’s Equality Diversity and Inclusion officers, we will undertake this role alongside our main college role: 

Gill Lois- Apprenticeship Business lead         Sabrin Birhane- Lead Humanities 
LDE is at an important and exciting period of time, upon reflection of the tragic death of George Floyd in the USA. A full staff virtual meeting was called to discuss concerns and how improvements can be made to support the staff and learners at LDE and to bring change where necessary. A Black Lives Matter steering group was formed with staff volunteers. As a result, a permanent position of an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer was created. Sabrin and I are delighted to let you know that we were successful in our application and interview process and have been appointed together on a job share basis. This is so exciting for us and for the growth of LDE in this area. 
At LDE UTC we aim to develop and foster a culture that is open minded, inclusive and full of compassion amongst all our individuals and groups. We aim to actively build a community that grows and embraces members from diverse cultures, backgrounds and life experiences. We will do all we can to provide effective leadership in the coordination, implementation and assessment of a comprehensive array of programs that will promote diversity and knowledge of differences. We will create and maintain opportunities for engagement, education, and discourse related to issues of equality, diversity, and inclusion. 
The main aim of this role will be to establish and maintain LDE’s equality, diversity, and inclusion commitments, which are to promote social justice and diversity in all our issues related, but not limited to, race, ethnicity, culture, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, nationality, origin, class, religion, and professional status; and coordinate educational resources and opportunities for all stakeholders. We aim to strive forward to establish beneficial relationships with individuals and partners, who share mutual goals and interests, starting with our partners and further increasing our partnerships. 
We will Identify strategies that are essential to creating environments enriched with diverse views and people. Providing educational opportunities that will grow and build socially responsible leaders who are willing to engage in discourse and decision-making. This will lead to transformational change toward learning, achievement, healthy minded people and stronger communities. 
We will endeavour to create a safe place for freedom of expression, ideals of citizenry, and  discussions around open discourse as these are fundamental to personal, professional, and organisational growth. This will then help us to work towards achieving equality, diversity, and inclusion.  

To highlight the focus of this new initiative, we have created a mission statement and a strategy statement. The mission statement is included in the above information. We have now signed up to the Equality Award which will complement this. On discussion with Equaliteach, who run this award, it was decided that we will be able to bypass the Bronze Certificate. This is due to the fact that we are already doing what is required for this level, such as the involvement with Newham Citizens program and our on-site multi faith Chaplaincy which is available to all of our learners and staff. Therefore, we can jump straight into working towards the Silver Award. There are other exciting projects we will embrace over the next year, such as Women Leading in Education and Stonewall. Furthermore, we have formed a Learner Steering Group to encourage learner involvement and interest. We are in the process of forming a Parent Steering Group too, and we are liaising with the chair of the Friends of LDE who will be promoting this through their regular meetings. The groups will all complement the work and projects that we will start over the next year. We hold half-termly meetings for these groups to keep them informed and involved of our progress.  
We have also signed up to the Education for Change program, set up by a number of Newham headteachers to train, challenge, educate and support schools in their equality diversity and Inclusion programmes. Unfortunately due to the pandemic and lockdown this has been put on hold for the moment, we will keep you posted of when this resumes. 
Please feel free to contact us if you would like to support us through the steering groups or if you can support us in any other way.Our email address is: [email protected]  

The LDE's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion aims can be found at: Click here